Baird's Global Industrial Group followed a record year in 2021 with sustained success through a challenging 2022 market environment. Over these past two years, we have driven great outcomes for our clients and grown our leading Industrial platform.

Key 2021-2022 Stats

An icon of an increasing bar graph with the words, "Industrial Deal Volume" against a faded photo of a person doing industrial work

115+ industrial M&A transactions totaling over $85 billion in deal value

An icon of three business-people with the words, "Large and Global Team of Long-Tenured Bankers" against a faded photo of a manufacturing line

100+ dedicated industrial bankers
20+ years average MD experience

An icon of a full conference table with the words, "Differentiated Strategic Buyer Access" against a faded photo of a hands holding a globe

Approximately 50% of buyers in our M&A processes have been strategic

An icon of hands shaking with the words, "Track Record of Exceptional Client Outcomes" against a faded photo of a person wearing a hard hat on a shop floor

13x+ average industrial sellside EBITDA multiple

Sellside transaction size ranging between $100 million and $5 billion

An icon of a globe with the words, "Significant Global Scale and Presence" against a faded black-and-white photo of a person presenting to a conference room

Approximately 20% of our M&A transactions are cross-border

2022 Baird Industrial Transactions

We’re grateful to have worked with each of our clients in 2021/2022 and look forward to our continued relationship in the new year.

Contact a member of our Global Industrial Group