Investors' Bill of Rights
Our Commitment to Clarity
Clarity of Rights and Responsibilities. Clarity of Performance. Clarity Through Understanding.
The foundation of any successful business is built on the right culture –on shared values of honesty, integrity and genuine concern for clients. These and other values are inherent in the Baird culture and are central to how we serve clients in our mission to provide the best financial advice and service. We believe in partnerships with clients, for they inspire us to work harder and smarter every day. We believe that to abide by the highest professional standards is an obligation we incurred when we chose to earn our living by managing our clients’ investments.
As an active member of the Securities Industry Association (SIA), Baird partnered with other industry leaders to create Commitment to Clarity, a dedication to openness and understanding as the guiding principles for all interactions between investors and the firms that serve them. At the center of the commitment is the Investors’ Bill of Rights, which outlines the rights and responsibilities that should guide investors and advisors when making investment decisions. SIA adopted the Bill of Rights in November 2004, a measure that Baird was proud to endorse.
Investors' Bill of Rights
Clarity is the cornerstone of trust between investors and their Financial Advisors.
SIA is committed to clarity through full and unambiguous disclosure, as well as enhanced understanding of the securities markets.
We believe that the needs of the investor should always come first. As an investor, you have important rights, including the right to high-quality products and services from the securities firm you choose.
At the same time, investors need to shoulder certain responsibilities themselves —for example, to plan carefully to meet their investment goals and to stay informed about the risks and rewards of their investments.
Your Rights as an Investor
As an investor, you have the right:
Quality Service
- To be treated in a fair, ethical and respectful manner in all interactions with Baird and its employees and affiliates.
- To receive competent and courteous service and advice at a fair price.
- To select your own Financial Advisor or request a different one if you are not satisfied, understanding that every Financial Advisor may have a unique manner, style or investment philosophy.
- To move your account to another Financial Advisor or a new investment firm whenever you wish, in a simple, efficient manner.
Full, Clear Reporting
- To clear, accurate, easy-to-understand descriptions of all your transactions, statements and other communications from Baird.
- To be informed clearly about all costs associated with your account and the costs related to individual transactions, including commissions, sales charges (or loads) and other fees.
- To be provided with clear descriptions of Baird’s policies and practices for protecting the privacy of nonpublic, personal information.
Responsible Investment Advice
- To be provided with responsible investment recommendations based on your personal objectives, time horizon, risk tolerance and other factors, as disclosed by you.
- To be apprised of significant conflicts of interest identified in a financial relationship between an investor and his or her broker-dealer or Financial Advisor.
- To expect that Baird will provide professional assistance to help you clarify your investment goals and risk tolerance.
- To be able to rely on Baird’s assistance in setting realistic expectations about the long-term performance and associated risks of various securities. Baird will present you with reasonable investment alternatives designed to meet those expectations, and disclose the comparative risks, benefits and costs.
Prompt, Fair Resolution of Inquiries, Questions, Complaints
- To fair consideration and a prompt response from Baird, if any problem with your account ever arises.
- To a prompt, fair resolution of inquiries, questions and complaints. Baird will provide you with full information about this process, in order that your questions, inquiries and complaints can be resolved in a timely manner.
- To be apprised of alternatives if Baird is unable to resolve a dispute to your satisfaction.
Your Responsibilities as an Investor
To help ensure the success of investments, you will want to take a number of important steps personally:
Inform and Educate Yourself
- Read thoroughly all sales literature, prospectuses and/or other offering documents, when available, before making any investment.
- Consider carefully all investment risks, fees and/or other factors explained in these documents.
- Make certain that you understand the relationship, not only between your investment objectives and the risks and returns on your particular investments, but also between your particular investments and your investment objectives. You need to remember at all times that every investment has some degree of risk and that it is possible to lose money –some or all –on any investment.
Communicate With Your Financial Advisor
- Provide complete, accurate information about your financial status, investment goals and risk tolerance when seeking investment advice, so that Baird can provide you with appropriate recommendations.
- Seek out whatever information you need or want from your Financial Advisor by proactively asking any questions you have about your account, a specific transaction, risk exposures, potential conflicts of interest and, of course, commissions, sales charges and other fees.
- Notify your Financial Advisor promptly whenever there is a significant change in your investment objectives, risk tolerance, income, net worth or liquidity needs.
- Review your portfolio holdings on a regular basis and whenever your financial circumstances change. You may want to make appropriate changes based on your investments’ performance and your current objectives.
- l If you have any holdings in mutual funds, tell your Financial Advisor about similar mutual-fund holdings you have at other broker-dealers or directly with the mutual funds, so that your representative can make sure you receive any applicable “breakpoint” discount.
Keep Your Accounts Current
- Have cash or available margin-buying power in your investment account, or transfer funds into that account, to ensure payment for securities purchases by the settlement date. If you are paying by check or funds transfer, you should always make payments directly to Baird.
- Review all transaction confirmations and account statements or reports carefully and promptly. You should report any errors or any questions you have to your Financial Advisor or Branch Manager immediately.
Use the Right Resources - Carefully
- Consult an attorney or a tax adviser for specific tax or legal advice.
- Consider carefully the validity and reliability of investment information obtained from all sources, especially unsolicited information obtained over the Internet.
- Understand that the opinions of Research Analysts or Financial Advisors should never be interpreted as a guarantee of future performance or rate of return.