Leading Pet Product Sustainability
Pooch Paper is a biodegradable, compostable and PFAS-free paper alternative to single-use plastic dog waste bags. Manufactured using renewable energy, Pooch Paper’s mission is to reduce the estimated 500 million single-use dog waste bags disposed in U.S. landfills each year.
We recently spoke with Tracy Rosensteel, founder of Pooch Paper, about sustainability in pet products and her mission to change long-standing consumer habits in the space.
The biggest thing that excites me is the chance to change the paradigm by which we pick up after our pets. Pooch Paper is a paper alternative to single-use plastic dog waste bags. We’re made in the USA, 100% compostable and biodegradable, and manufactured using renewable energy.
Tracy Rosensteel, Founder
Key Takeaways
Changing Product and Habit Paradigms
Keeping compliant with biodegradable plastic certification has led to manufacturing changes that expedite the breakdown of those plastics; unfortunately, these new manufacturing processes only exacerbate the production of microplastics that then pollute the environment. Rosensteel saw an opportunity to challenge use of familiar plastic waste bags and reduce the growing plastic issue. “I thought if there’s going to be an alternative, really, to the plastic issue, that maybe I could come up with an idea that would just mitigate the use of plastic altogether for picking up dog waste. It's such as simple process, and we don't hold the bag for all that long. And so maybe we can change a paradigm by which we pick up after our pets.”
Building Partnerships with Consumers, Retailers and Municipalities
Consumer education is core to Pooch Paper’s growth. The company leverages its website and social media channels to engage directly with consumers. Pooch Paper also works closely with retailers and municipalities to help them understand Pooch Paper’s differentiation, and how the product can support organizational sustainability goals. “We’re always open to webinars and things of that nature, just to better educate the consumer at the end of the day,” said Rosensteel, speaking about working with municipalities seeking sustainable solutions like Pooch Paper.
Driving Sustainability Forward, Together
Pooch Paper is working alongside municipalities and states as they enact legislation aimed at limiting single-use plastic. Sourcing sustainable products goes a long way in ‘leading by example’ and makes a real impact in supporting legislative efforts: “I've had a lot of conversations with municipalities within these states… they're thrilled to know that there is an alternative that furthers their compliance with their own legislation to replace plastic in dog parks.”
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