The Private Investment Management (Commission-Based Pricing) program is a discretionary advisory program whereby Baird charges a commission per transaction. The following summarizes the minimum/maximum commissions that may be charged in this program. This commission information supersedes any prior notices, and Baird reserves the right to change minimum/maximum commissions at Baird’s sole discretion. Other fees may apply. Please refer to your Form ADV Part 2 Brochure, which you should have already received, for more information.

Equity Securities and Exchange-Traded Products
Minimum Commission per Transaction $100
Actual commission charged is based on a variety of factors, including the price per share and number of shares purchased.
Mutual Funds1
No-Load Mutual Fund Purchase2 $100
Load-Based Mutual Fund Purchase Sales Charge(s) Indicated
in Prospectus
Fixed Income
Minimum Commission per Bond Transaction $25
Actual commission charged is based on a variety of factors, including the type of bond; maturity and quality of the bond; and the size of the transaction.


1 For additional information about mutual fund investments, including the fees and charges associated with mutual funds, please see "Important Information About Your Mutual Fund Investment

2 Baird charges this fee when purchasing and exchanging no-load funds; there is no fee to sell (Baird does not impose a fee to sell a fund, but the fund itself may have a redemption fee).