Asset Allocation
The Summary Asset Allocation screen provides the value of your account summarized by asset category. Included in this summary are cost basis and both unrealized and realized gain/loss information. It includes both assets held at Baird and assets networked to your Baird account.
Asset Class
Asset Class groups your securities into investment categories.
Value is the sum of the Cash Equivalents and the Security Value(s), totaled by asset class, in your account. The value of your securities is determined by using the most recent market price available.
Market price for securities traded on an exchange and the NASDAQ will be reported on a 20-minute delay. The price for mutual funds will be the Net Asset Value as of market close of the previous day. For securities traded less frequently, Baird relies on third-party pricing services or a computerized pricing model, which does not always reflect actual market values. Similarly, some annuity market values provided by outside sponsors are estimates. Please contact your Baird Financial Advisor for additional information on current pricing on specific securities.
% of Assets
% of Assets is the percentage of each asset category relative to the total value of your account.
Cost represents the total cost of your holdings as of market close of the previous business day. This information is derived from transactions made in your account or information supplied by other sources.
The accuracy of your cost-basis information cannot be guaranteed. Certain transactions resulting from reorganization activity — including, but not limited to, mergers, acquisitions, exchanges, tenders, conversions, spin-offs, and stock distributions — may have complex tax ramifications, which may require adjustments to the cost basis of the assets acquired and/or disposed. Please consult a tax advisor for guidance in handling these transactions.
Unrealized Gain/Loss
The unrealized gain or loss is the difference between the current market value and the cost of the security positions held in your account as of market close of the previous business day. If any value or cost amounts are missing, the unrealized gain or loss will not equal the total value minus the total cost.
Realized Gain/Loss
The year-to-date realized gain or loss is the difference between the total cost and the total proceeds from the sale or redemption of securities in your account during the current year.
To calculate gains and losses, the highest cost position has been liquidated first, unless you have instructed your Baird Financial Advisor differently (i.e., on a first-in first-out basis). The realized gain or loss totals are presented for your information only and should not be used for tax reporting purposes. Please rely on your transaction confirmations and IRS Form 1099 when preparing taxes.
Estimated Annual Income
Estimated Annual Income provides the amount of income estimated to be distributed in a year based on the securities in your account. The estimated annual income is calculated by annualizing recent interest and/or dividend payments.
The income estimate does not reflect historical experience or project future results. A third party may have provided this information to us; therefore, we cannot guarantee its accuracy.
Current Yield
The Current Yield is a yield estimate that is calculated by annualizing recent interest and/or dividend rates for positions in your account expressed as a percentage of your current account value.
The yield estimate does not reflect historical experience or project future results. An outside vendor may have provided this information to us; therefore, Baird cannot guarantee its accuracy.
Margin Buying Power
(For margin accounts only) Margin Buying Power represents the amount of fully margined securities that you can purchase or sell short in your margin account without depositing additional equity. Contact your Baird Financial Advisor for information regarding regulatory requirements for buying or short selling fully margined securities.
Margin Cash Available
(For margin accounts only) Margin Cash Available represents the amount available for withdrawal or purchase of additional securities in your cash account, without falling below the margin maintenance requirements.
Margin Equity Percentage
(For margin accounts only) The Margin Equity Percentage represents the equity in your margin account expressed as a percentage of your margin account value. Contact your Baird Financial Advisor for more information regarding your margin account.