Account #
The eight-digit number assigned to your account.

Shows whether a security was bought (BOT), sold (SLD), delivered (DELD), cancel buy (XBOT), cancel sold (XSLD) or cancel delivered (XDEL).

Business Continuity Plan
This plan identifies the steps necessary for Baird to continue operating in any type of disaster.

Choose from a drop-down list to see all confirmations or confirmations for a particular day.

Quotes are delayed for approximately 20 minutes after posting to the NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX exchanges.

Financial Information
Provides Baird's latest Statement of Financial Condition report in PDF format.

Get Quote
Clicking on Get Quote will take you to the Quick Search screen. Enter the symbol assigned to the security to obtain market price information. If you currently own the security, you may find the symbol on the Positions page. Otherwise, check in Symbol Lookup to find the symbol.

Choose from a drop-down list to see all confirmations or confirmations for a particular month.

Name of the accounts to which you have access.

Net Amount
Net value of the transaction, after subtracting commissions or fees.

Market price for the security at the time the transaction took place.

Number of shares or units of a specific security you own.

Access detailed stock quote information for companies listed on the NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX, including current real-time price quote, open, change, high, low, EPS, volume, P/E ratio, and much more.

Once you’ve selected your criteria, clicking this button starts your search.

Enter the symbol assigned to the security and click on Get Quote. If you do not know the symbol, click on Symbol Lookup.

Symbol Lookup
Clicking on Symbol Lookup will take you to the Quick Search screen. Enter the security name and click on Continue to select from a list of security names.

Trade Date
The day a trade occurs.

View Disclaimer
Click the View Disclaimer button to read and/or print your confirmation disclaimer. You must have Adobe® Reader® to view.

View PDF
View and/or print the confirmations. Adobe® Reader® is required.

Choose from a drop-down list to see all confirmations or confirmations for a particular year. Baird will make available confirmations for 12 months.