Creating a New Standard of Postnatal Wellness

Mommy’s Bliss is a supplements and personal care brand focused on moms and children. Founded in 1999, the company develops products to help moms bond with their babies with the help of effective products made with trusted ingredients.

Yasmin Kaderali, CEO of Mommy’s Bliss, talks about broadening the postnatal care discussion to better support mothers’ wellness.

Key Takeaways

  1. Refocusing Care on Mom: For years, postnatal care has understandably focused on newborns with little direct support for mothers’ post-delivery wellness journey. Kaderali highlighted the opportunity Mommy’s Bliss sees in creating products to support moms: “We [realized] we’re always talking to the mom… we really began to think deeper about that and strategically how Mommy’s Bliss could initiate that conversation around postnatal wellness.”
  1. Easing “Mom Guilt”: Kaderali highlighted mom guilt as one of the top wellness challenges facing women today. Natural solutions often appeal to these consumers, who are open to products to help ease anxiety, stress or sleep challenges. “Women and moms are looking for… natural, safe ways to take care of themselves.”
  1. Millennial Moms: For Mommy’s Bliss and peers in this space, millennial mothers are driving the market. Generally, in their early 20s to mid-late 30s, the parent of one or two kids, and in search of balance in their lives, they’re also conscious of ingredients and price points. “They read the label. A balance of natural and organic, but affordable,” said Kaderali.

Your needs change throughout that postnatal phase. But given the pandemic the last two years, I feel like it's more relevant now than ever where moms have always faced stress and anxiety and sleep problems and mom guilt… but I think the last few years it's just increased so much.

Yasmin Kaderali, CEO

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Photo of Lauren Leibrandt

Lauren Leibrandt